once upon a time

the story begins - 
once upon a time
during summer vacation
a local girl walked on the beach
unaware of the handsome tourist boy
tall, dark and bare-chested
brown eyes and strong muscles
playing beach volleyball with his friends.

now you’d think,
they’d meet and fall in love 
like some Nicholas Sparks novel
but this is real life 
and no such thing happens

the boy continues playing volleyball
and then goes home with his girlfriend
the girl finishes her walk
comes home and cooks for the family.

some day -
the girl will marry her childhood friend
the local boy who loved her very much
she’d learn to love him,
and she’d have his children -
grow old with him,
spend time with her grandchildren

and -
as she’d look back at her life,
she’d realise -
her life was nothing less than a romance novel
for she found joy in simplest things 
and had fallen in love with the man -
who loved her.
it might not be novel-worthy romance
but it’d be enough to have lived,
a full satisfying life.


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